Garmin携手全新推出Forerunner 255系列跑步手表,庆祝“环球跑”
【8月26日,中国上海】今日,ASICS韵律动力场登陆上海前滩太古里。 以城市跑步街区为灵感,ASICS打造线下科技探索空间,旨在利用创新的BLAST中底技术矩阵产品,让跑步者全方位体验跑鞋前沿科技,为运动爱好者提供个性化的产品支持。 ASICS始终秉持“健全的精神寓于强健的身体”的品牌理念,希望更多的人能够通过运动找到自己的节奏,激发活力,向内心奔跑。 nbsp; nbsp; ASICS 节奏动力场 ASICS 节奏动力场以 BLAST 中底技术矩阵为主题,拥有节奏激活测试站、节奏共振电站、节奏爆发实验舱、节奏核心探索区四大核心区域。 nbsp; nbsp; ASICS Power Field 亚瑟士 Power Field nbsp; ASICS节奏动力场从向心节奏测试开始了互动体验,参与者可以从中获得适合自己的跑者定位,体验根据自己的节奏定制的互动设备。 首先,为精英跑者设立节奏激活测试站,跑者可以通过体验无动力跑步机来获得跑姿定位。 设备综合跑步者在一定距离内的自由配速和第二次试跑的推荐配速,计算出该跑步者是步频或步幅跑步者,并用专业的数据和建议来辅助跑步者选择合适的鞋子。
nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; 节奏激活测试站 nbsp; nbsp; 接下来节奏共振力学院的体验适合更多跑步爱好者。 通过蹦床这个有趣的装置,跑步者可以模拟并感受品牌中底技术带来的穿着反馈。 此外,设备周围的350°全景交互屏将呈现动态效果; 结合BLAST中底技术的特点,三种可选的交互模式分别对应中底技术的轻量、缓震和回弹,跑步者可以根据自己的喜好打开沉浸式交互空间,并使用延时相机记录沉浸式有趣的瞬间。 nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; 节奏共鸣力nbsp; nbsp; 体验空间中,节奏爆发实验舱和节奏核心探索区通过技术模拟和产品展示,将FF BLAST中底技术的设计生动地呈现给跑步者。 位于场地中央的节奏爆发实验舱将FF BLAST中底核心技术的性能可视化,并借助羽毛、缓震网、弹力球等动感元素进行生动模拟; BLAST中底技术在轻质、缓震、回弹等方面的技术特性所给出的反馈,可以让跑步者直观地了解到中底材料的核心亮点。 nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; 节奏爆发实验舱 nbsp; nbsp; 韵律核心探索区展示了ASICS亚瑟士基于“以人为本”的设计理念,将FF BLAST中底技术应用到不同跑鞋的设计中,旨在满足各类跑步者的运动需求。
FF BLAST具有轻质、回弹、缓震的特点,而GEL-24等鞋款也是更多跑步爱好者的选择。 FF BLAST PLUS 在优化轻量化的同时,升级了缓震性能。 最新的 ASICS 3 鞋子是配备这种中底材料的高品质鞋子。 该鞋款以几何折纸为灵感,搭载 FF BLAST PLUS 中底缓震材料、全新升级的透气网布鞋面以及灵敏回弹前后泡棉支撑,带来轻盈流畅的跑步体验。 FF BLAST TURBO是中底家族中回弹升级的产物,轻量化超进化的产品,也是品牌竞速鞋+系列的核心材质。 在BLAST技术矩阵的加持下,ASICS将坚持不懈地以丰富的装备帮助不同类型的跑步者找到适合自己的跑步节奏,激发正能量,按照自己的节奏持续奔跑。 nbsp; nbsp; nbsp; 节奏核心探索领域nbsp; nbsp; 此外,除了ASICS与跑者交流中体验节奏力场之外,位于前滩太古里四楼的ASICS运动体验空间店还举办了丰富的互动体验活动。 ASICS RUN+运动大使吴卓然首次亮相ASICS运动体验空间店,并以分享会的形式,从专业角度带来了实用的跑步训练干货和相应的产品推荐。
活动期间,消费者可进店参与更多品牌体验、定制专属品牌烫印帆布袋或领取定制徽章。 同时,ASICS还邀请城市跑步者和爱好者加入RUN+型运动俱乐部,共同进行互动跑步体验,跟随ASICS寻找合适的节奏,跑向内心。 nbsp; ASICS RUN+运动俱乐部分享会 ASICS运动体验空间 店内活动 ASICS韵律动力场上海首站将城市文化与跑步运动相结合,为城市跑步爱好者打造难忘的活动体验。 未来,ASICS Power Field 将持续在全国多个城市巡演。 利用ASCIS尖端的产品技术,融合不同的城市文化特色,我们将号召更多的跑步者和运动爱好者聚集在ASICS节奏动力场。 通过专业的跑步测试,FF BLAST中底家族的核心技术和产品交互体验,让跑步者感受到身体和精神的双重进步,按照我的节奏跑! nbsp;nbsp;活动日期:2022年8月26日-8月28日nbsp;地点:上海市浦东新区东育路500号前滩太古里石区中庭B1 nbsp;nbsp;了解更多产品信息及活动,请扫描二维码关注ASICS官方微信:只要我要快,突破进行时,ASICS正式启动“速度训练” %E5%8F%AA%E8 %A6%81%E6%88%91%E6%83%B3%E5%BF%AB%EF%BC%8C%E7%AA%81%E7%A0%B4%E8%BF%9B%E8%A1%8C%E6%97%B6+ASICS%E4%BA%9A%E7%91%9F%E5%A3%AB%E 6%AD%A3%E5 %BC%8F%E5%BC%80%E5%90%AF%E2%80%9C%E7%A0%B4%E9%80%9F%E9%9B%86%E8%AE%AD%E2%80%==进料%E5%8F%AA%E8%A6%81%E6%88%91%E6%83%B3%E5%BF %AB%EF%BC% 8C%E7%AA%81%E7%A0%B4%E8%BF%9B%E8%A1%8C%E6%97%B6+ASICS%E4%BA%9A%E7%91%9F%E5%A3%AB%E6%AD%A3%E5%BC%8F%E5%BC%80%E5%90%AF%E2%80%9C% E7%A0% B4%E9%80%9F%E9%9B%86%E8%AE%AD%E2%80%==, 2022年09月05日 18:59:27 +新闻 为了更好地帮助精英跑者找到节奏、突破自我,ASICS今天在西安正式启动了为期近三个月的封闭训练计划——“速度训练”。
本次训练营,品牌将以完善的场馆设施、专业的教练团队、科学的训练方案、丰富的产品支持,帮助精英运动员突破自我、完成晋级。 ASICS“速度训练”项目邀请了10名精英运动员(赵浩、齐振飞、刘爱燕、余旭涛、罗壮壮、卢伟、吴尔庆、郭梦媛、陈飞、张雷)。 其中有ASICS签约跑者、重庆马拉松纪录保持者赵浩、ASICS签约跑者、中国公路赛10公里纪录保持者、国家运动员齐振飞等经验丰富的“老将”,也有刘爱燕等年轻选手,他们怀着“只要我想快”的信念参加训练营,追逐新的可能。 不同比赛经历和生活背景的精英运动员与ASICS汇聚于此,激发更强的潜力,实现自我突破。 在这个项目中,除了专业运动员之外,ASICS还邀请了国家中长跑教练尹昌熙担任本次“速度训练”的主教练。 作为前国家中长跑运动员、亚洲冠军,尹教练综合自己的职业经历和后来的教学经验,总结出了一套完整的训练理念。 更值得一提的是,ASICS还将邀请3名国家级飞行教练和1名固定体能教练,通过科学的体能训练和恢复指导,帮助精英运动员夯实体能基础。 为了更好地传达“只要我想快”的品牌理念,ASICS今日举办“速度训练”开幕活动,正式启动为期近三个月的“速度训练”项目。
开幕式上,通过入营测试赛、圆桌讨论、科技设备互动、产品试跑体验等环节,充分展示了运动员们的个人赛车状态和期望,也见证了品牌在跑步领域的强大实力。 · NBSP; 国家统计局; 国家统计局; 国家统计局; 国家统计局; 国家统计局; 科学测试,为基本10名精英运动员制定了合理、有针对性的训练计划,在训练营当天上午集体出现在赛场和场上,进行“速度突破训练”测试比赛。 比赛过程中,运动员们全力以赴,为后续的训练计划和目标以缩写开始为参考。 ASICS还在试验现场设置了补给站、抗乳酸回收区、血常规检测区。 在保证运动员安全的情况下,准确、科学地记录运动员入营之初的早期表现和体能指标,以便后续合理、有针对性的训练方案定制。 ·训练营开幕当天下午,ASICS签约跑者齐振飞、赵昊、新生代年轻选手刘爱燕、主教练尹昌熙出席圆桌讨论,与在场嘉宾分享了自己的测试经历、比赛理念、训练计划和成长目标。 分享会上,尹昌熙教练表示,希望通过专业实力和经验,帮助跑者不断提高; 齐振飞提出了自己对提高跑步节奏控制力的看法,并向大家宣布了挑战国内纪录的目标; 赵浩分享了跑步对自己人生的意义:“丽江有2000多米,玉龙雪山有3000多米,稻城亚丁有4000多米。跑步就像一根线连接着我的生命。”
”刘爱燕表达了对通过训练提升成绩的无限期待。nbsp;为在场嘉宾准备了新款碳板竞速鞋EDGE+和SKY+,让大家切实体验FF BLAST中底科技矩阵所展现的强大科技力量。从开幕式开始,在接下来的三个月训练中,ASICS将为运动员提供专业、有针对性的训练计划,持续提供产品支持和帮助,帮助运动员不断进步。我们期待10位精英运动员充分发挥自己的才能。专注自我,快速前进,最终实现转型。nbsp;ASICS亚瑟士The NORTH FACE始终秉承“强健的体魄中蕴藏着健全的精神”的品牌创立理念,在产品和服务上不断完善自我,帮助更多运动爱好者实现进阶突破,更多精彩活动将陆续推出,敬请期待。 走进野外THE NORTH FACE邀您去山里%E8%A1%8C%E8%85%E5%85%A5%E9%87%8E+THE+NORTH+FACE+%E9%82 %80%E4%BD%A0%E4%B8%80%E5%90%8C%E5%A5%94%E8%B5%B4%E5%B1 %B1%E9%87%==进给%E8%A1%8C%E8%A3%85%E5%85%A5%E9%87%8E+THE+NORTH+FACE+%E9%82%80%E4%BD%A0%E4%B8%80%E5%90%8C%E5%A5%94%E8%B5%B4%E5%B1%B1%E9 %87%==, 2022 年 9 月 5 日 17:44:25 + 配备无尽生命 nbsp; 野心无限nbsp; 背着行囊,走进野外nbsp; 聆听大自然的召唤,去山野之约;每天踏青山海,与烈日相伴; 夜宿湖边,与星星低语nbsp; 走遍极限,探索山林,畅游野外,秉承本真,自由行走。
凭借全新的设计灵感和匠心工艺,THE NORTH FACE携2022年新品重返山野。 以亲近自然的生活方式,与探险家一起踏上自由之旅,一起去山里约会。 新品系列囊括轻旅行背包、露营帐篷等热门单品,为探险家解锁更多维度视角的同时,也带来更细致的户外升级体验和更全面的防护。 nbsp;由内而外,唤醒自由真实的自我,一段充满爱、自由、热情的探索之旅就此开始。 在这个明媚的盛夏,去大自然探索新野,阳光的洗礼,大自然的奔涌让一切成为可能。 阳光唤醒旺盛的活力,聚会的喜悦充分释放。 精细的做工、自由休闲的风格和高品质在这款户外新品上也得到了充分的展现。 户外旅行对背包的舒适度、耐用性以及主体面料都有很高的要求。 此次发布的新系列产品包含了所有这些特点。 该系列新款背包已获得美国脊椎按摩协会(ACA)认证,具有舒适大容量性能、简单高效、轻便耐用等特点。 在满足日常通勤收纳的同时,还采用创新背板技术,为背部带来良好支撑,减轻重量感,让你即使负重行走也自如。 包身采用的DWR防水处理,让正途更加舒适、从容。 徒步翻山越岭的最佳季节,这款大容量的#光旅走起包#也能坚定地陪伴你走在未知的路上,随心所欲地享受户外探索。
随时可探索的包袋是该系列的功能性单品。 借鉴高科技背包设计理念,DWR防水面料和透明®防撕裂面料轻盈时尚,可谓日常出行的最佳轻量化伴侣。 内置空间充足,亲子用品一应俱全。 适合随时随地带着家人去广阔的山野世界,做一个大自然的“野”孩子。 专为儿童设计,加厚的背板和肩带让孩子在旅行时倍感舒适。 大容量拉链主袋、前压缩袋侧开扣等功能性设计,方便存放各种物品,让您无忧享受自然世界。 nbsp; 伯克利系列背包从远山瞬间回归日常休闲生活,功能性与风格美学再次碰撞,适合轻便户外和城市通勤。 户外手提包将复古美学与实用主义完美结合。 采用经典简约的户外风格设计。 褶皱面料与复古质感相得益彰。 结合超大容量和一致的防水处理,帮助您在兼顾美观的同时轻松拓展户外场景。 手提包拥有独特的造型和俏皮的细节。 为你解锁N种携带方式,可搭配不同的出行、轻旅风格。 日常通勤或者户外都可以使用。
nbsp; nbsp;nbsp; 走进野外,享受大自然。 这个盛夏,我们邀您一起探索未知的户外领地,去一场精彩的自由野趣。 户外探险新品已在线上官方商城和线下旗舰店同步发布。 欢迎选购。 无论你身在何处,探索永不停歇! #大家《恐惧跑者》:听说你还没开始跑步就已经心情低落了? %E5%90%84%E4%BD%8D%E2%80%9C%E6%80%B5%E8%B7%91%E8%80%85%E2%80%9D%EF%BC%9A%E5%90%AC%E8%AF%B4%E4%BD%A0%E8%BF%98%E6%B2%A1%E5%BC%80%E 8%B7%91%EF%BC%8C%E5%B0%B1%E5%B7%B2%E7%BB%8F%E8%93%9D%E8%B0%83%E4%BA%86%EF%BC%==进料%E5%90%84%E4%BD%8D%E2%80%9C%E6%80%B5%E8%B7%91%E8%8 0%85%E2%80%9D%EF%BC%9A%E5%90%AC%E8%AF%B4%E4%BD%A0%E8%BF%98%E6%B2%A1%E5%BC%80%E8%B7%91%EF%BC%8C%E5%B0%B1%E5%B7%B2%E7%BB%8F%E8%93%9D%E 8%B0%83%E4%BA%86%EF%BC%==, 2022年9月5日 16:36:19 + 搭载村上春树的跑步圣经,跑步者遇到生理和心理瓶颈,导致厌恶跑步,被称为“跑步忧郁症”。
很多跑者在跑步过程中都经历过自己的忧郁期。 但仍有一批初次跑步的人,在迈出第一步之前就已经成为“恐惧的跑步者”,提前开始了自己的“跑步忧郁”。 听说跑步会伤膝盖? 跑步减肥效率很低? 你会晒黑吗? 当然,这些身心瓶颈自然离不开最形而上的焦虑:我的第一双跑鞋是哪双? 这些“恐跑者”的担心和焦虑其实并不少见。 即使你已经是一名破了3个马拉松的跑团长,相信你在初期也可能有过类似的犹豫。 不过,在我看来,与其他运动相比,跑步最大的魅力就在于随时随地宣布开始。 相比于高级跑者提高成绩所带来的身心瓶颈或寻找合适鞋子的麻烦,在跑步之初陷入焦虑其实是没有必要的。 那么,如果你是一名“恐惧跑者”,应该选择什么样的跑鞋来帮助你度过跑步前的“忧郁期”呢? 与高级跑者和精英跑者相比,大多数新手跑者的腿部力量和耐力都相对较弱。 因此,对于跑步新手来说,选择跑鞋的首要核心要素就是跑鞋的缓冲和保护能力。 然而,在过去的传统刻板印象中,跑鞋如果以缓震保护作为核心元素,往往就意味着重量的牺牲。 一双对新手跑者更加友好,同时又稳定轻便的缓震防护跑鞋会是一种什么样的存在呢? 李宁悦影2(以下简称悦影2)在今年正式发布,或许给了很多跑步新手一个选择。
近年来,李宁推出了很多主题配色,这次我们拿到的李宁悦影2配色名为:胺多酚。 整双鞋的主色调分为两部分。 荧光橙色充满活力,象征着运动员在赛场上敢于拼搏、突破自我极限; 浅水蓝色相对平静,寓意运动员在场上保持清醒的头脑,应对场上的变化。 清爽活力的外观,能够给跑步者在跑步场景中带来欢乐与活力的感受。 好看只是其中的一部分。 跑鞋的诚意还是要看科技配置。 nbsp; 我们先来说说核心中底配置。 月影2这一部分会分为两个部分:泡沫和结构。 悦影2采用全掌中底配置。 作为李宁旗下最强的泡沫材料,中底重量轻,回弹反馈强,实现了领域和市场的双赢。 悦影2的中底技术全新优化升级。 回弹提升8.4%的同时,整体加厚的鞋底通过结构优化较上一代减轻了重量。 US9尺寸的悦影2重量为285克,比之前同尺寸版本轻了10克。 此外,悦影2还对底部的核心龙骨进行了重新调整。 前后掌总向前翘曲增加6mm,跗骨周长增加9.75mm,前后落差9mm。 鞋面部分,悦影2采用半袜式结构设计,能够为跑步者带来更好的包裹性和贴合性。 鞋的后跟部分配备了后跟HEEL LOC锁定技术,是后跟周围的支撑固定装置,具有在不同运动阶段保持平衡的功能。 与鞋身导热贴及半袜式鞋面配合,为跑步者提供出色的稳定支撑性能。
外底方面,鞋款采用了 TUFF RB 高性能橡胶材料,其耐磨程度是普通橡胶材料的 2.5 倍,带来良好的抓地力和耐用性。 除了上面提到的环节之外,李宁悦影2还在鞋款配置上带来了另一个重要的调整:男女款的区别。 nbsp;从生理角度来看,女性骨盆相对较宽,这种生理差异导致女性在跑步时相对膝盖承受的压力更大。 李宁科学实验室的研究发现,如果跑步者穿着接地位置延伸2mm的鞋子,垂直落地瞬间的峰值反作用力将大大降低,有效降低膝关节受伤的概率。 此外,李宁科学实验室收集了数千名女性跑者的足部扫描数据,发现女性跑者普遍拥有较高的足弓,在长跑时更容易出现足弓塌陷的风险。 男女骨盆形状差异扩大2mm,以降低峰值。 针对这两个环节,设计师联合李宁科学实验室对悦影2女版的细节进行了调整,将女款的外跟增加了2mm,以增加接触面积。 这样可以保证脚后跟提前着地,减少髋关节的内收角度,降低女性髋关节损伤的风险。 团队还为女性设计了女式鞋楦,减小了前掌宽度,合理调整了足底围和跗骨围的宽度,增加了包裹感和贴合感,鞋的整体造型也比男款更加修长。 对于跑步新手来说,这样的书面介绍可以带来理性参考,但除了纸面知识之外,我们还需要用更直白的方式,将这些理性转化为文字经验。 为此,我们在闷热的雨季度过了一周,在地图上画了50KM。
如果你问我们这双鞋在路上实际感觉如何? 我们直接回答你:算了。 是不是有点不负责任? 但我们确实……忘记了这双鞋的定位。 我们选择了配速在6:00-5:30、没有比赛经验的跑者MING作为这双鞋的测试者。 经过50KM的评测,他觉得悦影2最大的特点就是跑步时你会忽略它的存在。 “跑步忘记存在”的体验细节有哪些? 相比女款相对紧凑的鞋楦设计(稍后我们会对女款进行单独评测),悦影2代男款的鞋楦空间更宽阔,活动空间也相对更大。 鞋面材质和袜套设计,结合后跟的HEEL LOC锁定技术,带来良好的支撑性能。 跑步开始的时候,我们的脚不会在鞋里跳动,鞋面也不会磨脚、割伤脚。 这种支持表现是比较友好和稳定的。 它既不会像一些顶级跑鞋那样把你的脚咬死,也不会塌陷一些新手跑鞋的鞋面。 中底部分,悦影2的体验与其配置相同,分两部分进行讲解。 对于大多数跑者来说,材质本身的特性大家都已经很熟悉了,但我们还是需要花点时间跟新手跑者分享一下:中底的软回弹并不是我们描述的普通鞋的“软”,而是更有弹性。 在跑步过程中,这种柔软而富有弹性的韧性给我们带来了非常舒适、澎湃的体验,无需卸力。
底部的核心龙骨将悦影2中底位置的脚感温和地分为两部分:中后部分回弹柔和,大多数情况下更适合新手跑步者。 虽然绝大多数跑步新手都会采用全掌着地的方式,但发力的核心位置其实是前脚掌。 更具支撑性的前脚可以让跑步者在起步时更有效率。 简单来说,就是“比较费劲”。 而且前后支撑柔软度的过渡非常平缓,完全感觉不到所谓的不同属性的分离。 底部龙骨还有另一个作用——可能很多跑步新手之前都没有相关经验:顶部竞速鞋的泡沫材质是对跑步者脚踝力量的考验。 悦影2.0的龙骨设计考虑到了易科技的软回弹,同时前后鞋底过渡后的亲和力大大提高,更适合广大新手跑步者对核心的保护和缓冲。 另外,这款中底最重要的感觉就是轻盈。 “跑步忘记存在”的核心在于鞋子非常轻,而中底作为顶级赛车材料,可以说是用科技扶贫,辅助新手鞋轻量化。 不得不感叹,将顶级发泡材质下放给新手鞋的做法,给这类鞋的传统刻板印象带来了很大的颠覆。 nbsp;外底的TUFF RB橡胶材质经受住了近期雨季湿地防滑性能的考验。 至于日常的抓地力和耐用性,其实不用担心,这是当下跑鞋的基本功。
还是有必要对这双李宁悦影2进行全面的布局。悦影2拥有透气稳定的鞋面、带有回弹缓冲支撑的柔软中底、以及能够很好地抓地潮湿地面的耐用外底。 另外,这双鞋真的很轻。 改变传统观念,新手跑鞋现在可以实现缓震回弹与重量的协调。 确实是无禁忌、无惧受伤的双跑。 它是初学者的减震和保护伴侣。 随着李宁定位事业部跑鞋品类的逐步完善,李宁专业跑鞋的矩阵也逐渐清晰。 对于大多数跑步新手来说,只要能坚持第一步,以后的跑步能力就会越来越强。 到时候,我们必然会再次陷入瓶颈、焦虑和选鞋问题。 丰富实用的跑鞋矩阵帮助我们变得更加清晰明朗,这或许就是我们忧郁的终结。 不要停止跑步,保持忧郁,但不要犹豫第一步,新朋友,开始跑步吧! 坦图,一双轻便又稳定的跑鞋是什么样的? +%E5%9D%A6%E9%80%94%EF%BC%8C%E4%B8%80%E5%8F%8C%E8%BD%BB%E7%9B%88%E4%B8%8E%E7%A8%B3%E5%AE%9A%E5%85%BC%E5%AE%B9%E7%9A%84%E8%B7%91% E9%9E%8B%E6%98%AF%E4%BB%80%E4%B9%88%E6%A0%B7%E5%AD%90%EF%BC%==进给+%E5%9D%A6%E9%80%94%EF%BC%8C%E4%B8%80%E5%8F%8C%E8%BD%BB%E7%9B%88%E4% 0 5 Sep 2 022 18:58:45 +装备评测 近年来,泡沫和碳板成为各品牌产品研发的重点,以至于我们常常忽略一件事——不同需求的跑者对鞋子的需求不同。
其实很多跑友一直在后台问我们能不能做一些关于支撑性能跑鞋的盘点内容? 跑步者的跑步能力不同,腿部的力量自然也不同。 对于腿部较弱的跑者来说,一味追求顶级泡棉与碳板鞋的组合,虽然也能享受到材质带来的澎湃脚感,但并不一定能为我们的跑步能力带来最大的效率。 有些跑者因腿部、脚踝力量不足,或者体重过重,穿着以缓震、回弹为核心的顶级竞速鞋或新手跑鞋。 相比之下,以支撑性能为核心的稳定跑鞋其实更适合这些跑者的需求。 然而长期以来,稳定性跑鞋的一大缺点就是鞋体太重。 正是因为这个缺点,很多跑步者可能对稳定的跑鞋有需求,但随着自身跑步能力的不断提高,过重的鞋子已经成为跑步者的负担,所以很多人逐渐放弃了它们。 那么如果稳定的跑鞋能够兼容轻量化,那么突破自身一定是这类鞋的核心点——Tandu(以下简称:)正是这样一双鞋。 坦图的细节丰富、重量轻,还是需要看坦图的整体外观。 光是把这双鞋拿在手里就可以清楚地看出这双鞋的定位:稳定。 鞋面的工程网布质地柔软,鞋头等细节处还有热贴设计。 鞋侧的鞋带固定装置可以稳定鞋带并防止脚面受到压力,同时进一步加强固定并改善上连杆的支撑形式。
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You can feel it as soon as you put on your feet, and the and of the upper part is very . The soft of the mesh will not cause feet. it is or side , it can well fix the feet. The large shoe last space will not cause and . At the same time, it does not and cut feet. In , the small of the are very , which the from apart . This time we chose a full- with a pace of about 5:30. the , no , floor tiles, or sandy roads, the 360- of the PB/frame can bring us good . the , we felt that with the top thick-sole foam , the was not and from the to the end, but . The of the PB on the of the foot, and the us from to the , and to the heel along the frame. If we just put it on, we will feel that there is a bit on the arch of the foot. This can only be after the . The part can feel a foot when each step is on the .
For our 5:30 pace test , the most of the logic of this pair of shoes is: under the same , venue and , there is no day shoes that give ankle the when , and there is no sense of for shoes. The and are more than the of many top . In , many whose has not yet the elite level will of when thick-soled shoes when . The wide makes up for this, and it good to the 's of when and . The shoe with a of heavy rain, and the grip and wet anti-slip of the were . , when we some top shoes, road dust the grip, and it did not on the XT-900 . After the cycle of 50KM, the was not worn. Tantu may allow you to run . Tantu is a new of shoes under , and it is also the shoe at . In 's shoe , there is the aimed at self- on race days, and the aimed at and more , and this time the Tantu puts its on the “” link. Tantu shoes with as the core, in daily , for shoes whose the core of and , and the of ankle and calf is not to the of top shoes, or for with and large , the is and more , and it can also the risk of .
The also a more cost- for some elite who are by the of top shoes in daily . We must admit that there are too many "eyes-" shoes in the shoe world. For many , the name Tantu may not be on the so- "-eyes" list, but if all are to "try ", we that many will trust such a pair of and shoes. 什么? Can a watch ? %E4%BB%80%E4%B9%88%EF%BC%9F%E4%B8%80%E5%9D%97%E6%89%8B%E8%A1%A8%E8%83%BD%E9%87%8D%E6%96%B0%E5%AE%9A%E4%B9%89%E8%B7%91%E6%AD%A5 %EF%BC%==feed%E4%BB%80%E4%B9%88%EF%BC%9F%E4%B8%80%E5%9D%97%E6%89%8B%E8%A1%A8%E8%83%BD%E9%87%8D%E6%96%B0%E5%AE%9A%E4%B9%89%E8%B7%91%E 6%AD%A5%EF%BC%==, 05 Sep 2022 22:37:52 +The cover and title of the have been very . Today's topic is watch . The of this .
is a very sport. of pace or , as long as you have a daily habit, you can be a . We must admit that if a watch can be with most users as much as , it will be very , but means that the will in the of the , which some for . So for , what be the for a watch that is more for you? 255 ( to as FR255) may this . 255 the of FR255 still the of the brand, the 5-key , and the same style as . This time, two 255 and 255s are , with multi- multi- and the - heart rate . Both cover the music and , and both have 1.3-inch and 1.1-inch dials. The 1.3-inch body is 45.6x45.6x12.9 (mm) and 46g; the 1.1-inch body. was also , - to daily wear on the . We can it with ace 245. Apart from the by 245, FR255 has many and new .
The first is the race . To put it , the race is an for the , help for who do not have the to race data or do not have to hire . FR255 users can races in or to races by other users, and goals to sync to FR255 . At the same time, the race also us with the of the race and the time of ; the , , route and other of the race day , as well as our pace the race. After the game, the game can also our game- to us in it in the . The HRV is of FR255, which can help and their own . the HRV tool, we also need to the of HRV to : the name of HRV is heart rate value, which can the of our . In daily life, such as our work and life , , sleep , and of will all have an on HRV. The the value of HRV, the our . , we can our HRV level. , there is no fixed for the HRV index . ages and will have an on the value. Its own value lies in the with our basic value, and the trend is more . It is based on the 4th heart rate with FR255 and the that this watch can the most data to us.
The more on our , but now, while us with , it will also pay more to ' and daily . The usage are wider and more . power is also a new in . FR255 has this built in, no need to and from CIQ, and train with HRM-Pro heart rate belt, RDP ( mung bean) and other , you can the , lap, and power index when we run. Among the more than 30 modes by FR255, we were to find the "" mode. At the same time, this watch also power. We can smart and other , and it can also be seen as more for the from road to . That is to say, from FR255, there is an watch, and iron users need model. In , the FR255 has added a good . This can check the daily level, , body , and other when up in the , a sense of to the ' life. In to the new , FR255 has also for and daily . do not need to plan in to . The data the are and can be with the .
The daily can also be based on the 's goal of the race 7 days of the plan, and the plan can be to the 's . In terms of and , FR255 heart rate, blood , rate, event , Live Track; daily smart links NFC card, , music, third-party music apps and other . The test of 255 on the road has about a lot of on paper, how FR255 , and it has to prove on the track. As for the link of GPS and multi- , as a , there is no need to go into too much , and can use it with . , we have made some of the in days, and here we share with you . The dual-size still us a . The in this test is about 182 cm tall and about 65 kg. The strap of the small is . In , the large dial is more for me the , and I can see the real-time data more . This link to the of the . It is that the watch field is based on the large dial as the . The small dial and short strap are more for women and with . , the size of the and strap be to the of the . " Mung Bean" has also prop in our test. By " Mung Bean" FR255 , we can see the data of each .
Our from , and this test is the first time to the . "Now this kind of data is too , and we didn't have such good when we were . In the past, after , we could only rely on the coach to touch our wrist pulse to judge the heart rate. Now with the help of this watch, many real-time data and can be seen at a , and we can it. If we had these at the , we might not be able to the ." this kind of . the these days, the 5KM a small PB. As a first-time user of the , he also has some ideas: as a new user, it takes time to the many data by the FR255. The of the 255 each other, that is to say, the more , the the data and the more the , such as daily , and other -, and even - news, good , etc. As a new user, he also needs to get along with this watch. The that sex to your must be more . In fact, , we have tried many of , and some "" for these , such as some are more , some are at user , and the label we for the is: .
The form of the is based on " " as the basis, with , to the of the . On the whole, a watch used to be a 's or , but FR255 the needs of all , and has many and added. From daily life, as well as the and the day of the , FR255 can help do as an and coach as much as . In the past, we said that a watch has the of , and FR255 can be said to be a coach for . In the of , the of FR255 can be said to , and also set a new in the field of . the 955 FR255 has added a mode, the real in the field in the still on the newly 955 at the same time. The 955 adds and such as solar , multi- multi- , and the - heart rate to the . The text HRV , event , good , power, and other of FR255. There are more than 50 modes, and it maps such as city , ski , golf , etc. who like can also them.
At the same time, on the basis of the 5-key , the 955 adds a touch , which makes the more and the user more . Now that the watch is ready, when will start a new of ? new ? HOKA ONE ONE X Today's cross- shoes also have feed+ONE+ONE++X+%E4%BB%8A%E5%A4%A9%E8%B6%8A%E9%87%8E%E8%B7%91%E9%9E%8B%E4%B9%9F%E6%9C%89%E7%A2%B3%E6%9D%BF%E4%BA%==, 05 Sep 2022 22:3 4:46 + from HOKA ONE ONE Xnbsp;, trail shoes also have . at the cross- shoe , no what we , HOKA is the most brand.
From KAHA to the , of or , they have left a deep on the . Today HOKA once again this , HOKA ONE ONE X in the . The plate with built-in a new to trail shoes. , we got this pair of X it went on the , so we can the hard power of this new of HOKA. To X, we still have to start with the and of the shoes. Xnbsp; The shoe shape of X is , and than KAHA, and than . The upper a layer of mesh, which is light and thin, in order to a soft fit the upper for . The is the of this pair of shoes, and the name X is by the earth's plate : . the , the X two fiber that run from toe to heel. This with and a gait runs. The dual- ™ foam , with the plate above, and with each other, a foot feel and the shoe more .
The ® super grip on the is very to . It is and there is no need to worry too much about its . and are done in one go. If there are many old fans of HOKA among the , they must have their own about the brand's foot feel. When we put on X, the HOKA in the seems to be . The HOKA brand has two most : lines and soft and feet. The can be seen in the , X the of HOKA as . the shoe shape looks a wide, in fact, the upper of the foot fits well, the last space is , and the fit the inner of the upper and the is also very , too much , and at the same time, there will be no . The the also made our eyes shine. the same as , but to the soft of HOKA foam in the past, X's ™ foam with plate makes the foot feel more , and the soft after on the foot feels more . the , the and of the foam and the plate is very , and the from the to the heel is . , the of X foam and plate gives us a very . This kind of is not the of the - plate of shoes, but the . it is a road or , it can to our feet.
This kind of is more to us, and there will be no on the ankle by top , and it is to run. Due to well-known , we did not have too many to in with more . On roads, grass, stone roads, and roads, these shoes did not bring us the sense of that off-road shoes on the road. From this , there are more X- usage . The grip of the and the in the , as long as the who wear ® shoes must have a in their , there is no need to worry too much. In to the upper and , the X shoe is also in terms of . The Bao of the shoe is in , in , and the of the can fix the heel more . It has . It may be the best pair of shoes with the best heel among the HOKA shoes we have . For road , types of plate shoes are , and this time the of from road to off-road a new to the of trail shoes. We that many will stay on the of the "first pair", but the by X is not like a pair of "". From the of the shoe body to the of , this pair of shoes is a very pair of works. So in the , the built-in plate of trail shoes must be . Is this the era of for off-road ? the " Day" with the newly 255 of A8%E4%B8%80%E5%90%8C%E5%BA%86%E7%A5%9D%E2%80%9C%E5%85%A8%E7%90%83%E8%B7%91%E6%AD%A5%E6%97%A5%E2%80%==feed%E6%90%BA%E6%89%8B%E5%85 %A8%E6%96%B0%E4%B8%8A%E5%B8%+255%E7%B3%BB%E5%88%97%E8%B7%91%E6%AD%A5%E8%85%95%E8%A1%A8%E4%B8%80%E5%90%8C%E5%BA%86%E7%A5%9D%E2% 80%9C%E5%85%A8%E7%90%83%E8%B7%91%E6%AD%A5%E6%97%A5%E2%80%==, 05 Sep 2022 18:59:40 + the 255 of today. This of adds for , and the new give a new of .
The 255 has two watch sizes to from: 255 dial 46mm; 255S dial 41mm, the size to fit the wrist, for the . The new 255 is with a multi- multi- , which life. In smart mode, the life can reach 14 days, and in GPS mode, the life can reach up to 30 hours. the 255 of on Day, an of the world that you to make life- . Chou, of China, said: "The 255 has gone four , and has tools for . It is newly today, with power and added . , to help break their . nbsp;Daily daily for a week, the most , and will to in game or goal .
nbsp; it is 5 , 10 or half , you can get a free plan by with the App, and it to your goals and data. nbsp; Built-in more than 30 modes: , , pool , open water , track , etc. nbsp; HRV , the new of , can allow to have a of the , and the is , the peak or . nbsp; by , it real-time data and , such as , load, , , etc., to make for and . nbsp;Pace helps you the pace while along the route nbsp;When and in the APP, you can the best route , or a route on a third-party and it to the watch. nbsp; with a 1 or HRM-PRO dual-mode heart rate , it can , such as , , time, etc. nbsp;nbsp; nbsp; the of nbsp;In to , the new also has an all- , and the is for daily wear.
Added good , and you can view , , sleep and HRV and other . Pulse Ox pulse , sleep can be , and the state can be seen at a body power , to the best and rest time. When you wake up in the , you can check your sleep score, heart rate, , pulse and data at times. In , women can their plan to their cycle and to cope with the next game. to all-round life nbsp; 255 smart can be with , , , check , etc. on the wrist. alone or with , built-in and , /, give loved ones the peace of mind to run or ride with less risk4. After the , 255 will the data to the APP, you can check all the and data in time, and you can also or with . with a , you can enjoy NFC card, and , you to shop and . In , the 255 music can your music the third-party music APP5, up to 500 songs, the , and enjoy . The 255 will be in two sizes, 255 and 255S, which are into two : and music . The price from 2,680. It is now for sale on 's and mall .
From to life scene , will to the . is to smart and the data to meet the and of a life for . that every day is an for , and it is also the best time to ! For more , visit/or Weibo and . of well-known of plate shoes%E5%90%84%E5%AE%B6%E7%A2%B3%E6%9D%BF%E8%B7%91%E9%9E%8B%E7%9F%A5%E5%90%8D%E6%88%90%E7%BB%A9%E7%9B%98%E7%82%==feed%E5 %90%84%E5%AE%B6%E7%A2%B3%E6%9D%BF%E8%B7%91%E9%9E%8B%E7%9F%A5%E5%90%8D%E6%88%90%E7%BB%A9%E7%9B%98%E7%82%==, 05 Sep 2022 23:33:08 + of well-known of shoes In years, with the of plate shoes, a of good have in the field of road .
These good have not only made the , but also made the brand's shoes well-known. In this issue, let's take stock of the well-known of plate shoes. nbsp;nbsp;1. Nike nbsp;nbsp;As the and of the plate shoes wave in years, Nike plate shoes have too many good . and are not , and world have been . Here are just a few ones. nbsp;nbsp;2:00:25amp;1:59:40: In the first year of plate shoes in 2017, wore Nike Elite in the 2 and a good score of 2:00:25, far the world of 2:02:57 at the time, . Two years later, in 2019, ran a good score of 1:59:40 Nike NEXT%, which was the first time for to break the two-hour mark, up for the two years ago. nbsp;nbsp;2:01:39/2:14:04: After an far the world in 2017, are to when the world will be . In 2018, ran 2:01:39 Nike Elite in , where the was , and the world by 78 . nbsp;nbsp;In the of the year, broke the women's world the next day, Nike NEXT%, the women's to the 214 era, the 16-year-old women's world .
nbsp;nbsp;2. nbsp;nbsp;Since the of adios Pro shoes, it has to the top stage and has great in the field of full and half . ones are: 65:34amp; 65:16: In 2020, adios Pro , and in the , Perez won the with a score of 65:34 and set a new pure women's half- world . A month later, she broke the again at the World Half that year with a score of 65:16. Today, Perez has the top woman in the field of road after Mary . nbsp;nbsp;57:32: The men's half- world , in the half- in 2020, was run by Candy adios Pro shoes. This is the first time the men's half- the 58-point mark, and it has been by 29 , which is . nbsp;nbsp;3. New nbsp;nbsp; New nbsp;nbsp;has the name of the four major shoes, since the of plate shoes, the of the New are weak, but there are also spots. For , some time ago, New Emily (Emily) wore New RC Elite V2 at the US Half and set a new women's half with a score of 67:11.
nbsp;nbsp;For , as we know, some time ago New Jia also ran a good of 62:23 the shoes (test match , ), which made shine. nbsp;nbsp;4. Asics nbsp;nbsp;Asics' voice in the arena in years on Yuki, Sarah Hall, Alice , and . Uncle 's PB after a lapse of ten years and the 2:22:01 run by Sarah Hall at the last of the 2020 . nbsp;nbsp;5.; nbsp;Puma is late in the field of plate shoes. It its plate shoes Puma Nitro Elite Racer last year. , in terms of the after the of the shoes, it is than some . nbsp;nbsp;At the 2021 Tokyo , Puma's Molly won the medal in the women's with a score of 2:27:46. The huge and made Puma a lot of money. Since then, she the best on the track in the New York in the same year, which that it was not a flash in the pan, and the shoes she wore to be . nbsp;6. HOKA nbsp;nbsp; on the 100km World , HOKA .
In 2019, HOKA X shoes were , and Jim set a new 50-mile world in 4:50:08 for 50 miles. In 2021, HOKA X 2 , and Jim ran 6:09:26 in 100 , 11 the line, which is also . nbsp;nbsp;In to the of the 100- , the 2020 is also a for HOKA. , a under the , ran 2:27:23 HOKA X to win the women's and win the seat. nbsp;nbsp;7. Xtep nbsp;nbsp;In terms of the arena, Xtep is the brand to take , and it is also the most in terms of . In the 2019 , Dong wore Xtep 160X and ran 2:08:28, which is still the best run by an . Since then, Xtep 160X 2.0, 160X PRO and other shoes have also good , but they have not the glory of the first . Don't know when the next will be. nbsp;nbsp;Hope the game can ! nbsp; nbsp;8, Li ;nbsp; In to Xtep, other are hard to say spots in terms of . it is Anta, Li Ning, 361°, , Erke, they have , they are not the kind that can be .
nbsp;nbsp;The why Li Ning is is Li Ning is one of the few that has made in the arena. plate shoes can never be with the nest, if you want to and , you still have to go out. nbsp;nbsp;I look to more shoes on the stage. nbsp;nbsp;2022 Men's Third 2:08:44 nbsp; 2022 Half nbsp; That may have to find a way to solve this .